To simply put it, bruxism is a sleep-related movement disorder characterized by grinding or clenching the teeth unconsciously during waking hours or when sleeping. It is a condition that requires immediate attention once spotted to counter its long-term effects while early.
The problem with the condition is that since it takes place unconsciously, patients who have it can remain unaware of their situation. The ones who may notice it first are bed partners and family members. As the teeth grind together, irritating noises are produced which can wake up others. Once told about this occurrence, make sure not to delay any professional consultation.
At Sweet Water Family Dentistry, we understand the possible consequences that untreated bruxism can cause, so we want to offer our patients a treatment using an oral device. Night guards, like sports guards, protect the teeth from any possible damage. The constant application of pressure on the teeth can cause it to chip, crack, and deform. If it is left unattended, it can even lead to pain, lack of sleep, TMJ, and more.
It is important for patients to know that there are multiple options available for them to choose the one that offers the best protection for the teeth.
We at Sweet Water Family Dentistry can create a custom-made oral appliance once a proper diagnosis is performed. We may even recommend restoration options to improve the look of the teeth for even better results.
Get added protection to your teeth. Book your appointment with Sweet Water Family Dentistry and avail of Night Guards in Lithia Springs, GA! Our dental office is located at 1515 Westfork Dr., Suite A, Lithia Springs, GA 30122.